Went and got a first response!


That's clearly a positive but....

got a not pregnant on the clear blue could it just be too early to get a positive on this one?

So I had a miscarriage in February so I'm waiting for my rainbow baby. I've been feeling a little different this month and yesterday I had a little brownish discharge which I always get right before my period and I mean right before usually the next time I pee there is AF and nothing happened. so of course I get impatient and do a bunch of the easy@home test I have and I could see a little something so I went to the drug store and bought the first response and got that positive but the clear blue says not pregnant I'm just assuming I don't have enough of the hormone yet for it to pick up on. My period is due in about 2-3 days.

OH MY GOD could this really be my rainbow. I'm freaking out.