Possibility of giving birth while the father isn’t able to attend...



My husband and I are thinking of TTC but he works away a lot and so we were planning on aiming for a period of about a month and a bit as that would give us a due date, if we’re successful in TTC which he will probably be at home for.

Obviously there is a small possibility that the birth could overlap with one of his trips, particularly if it’s very early/late. Luckily he won’t be too far away on the trips so he would probably be able to come and see is in the evening but he has a lot of responsibility at work and so he possibly wouldn’t be able to talk to me for periods of time during work or come to attend the birth or visit us for a little while after and even then he would have to get back to work most probably.

This would be my first baby and my mother is the only other person I could perhaps rely on to go with me but she lives hours away from me so that’s not really realistic. I’m particulatly worried in case there are complications or I need an emergency C-Section or am in an awful lot of pain as I might not be able to communicate what I want/need to the hospital staff etc.

I wonder if we should put it off to be totally on the safe side but we’ve already been waiting a while for this window and I don’t want to keep delaying, particularly since the chances of being successful in less than 2 months of trying are not that high anyway.

I was just wondering is anyone else has been through a situation like this when the father wasn’t able to make the birth etc and what their advice would be please?

Thanks :)