Crazy Child’s Father


Hey guys, so my child’s father and I aren’t together and he wants to be with me however I don’t want to be with him. Back story this is his 2nd child and my 1st. Nevertheless when I first told him I was pregnant he was so excited however I wasn’t because this is not how I pictured my life. Moving forward 5 1/2 months I’m keeping my baby boy. (I’m so excited) but I needed my own time to process everything (that didn’t take 5 months). We argued and shut down toward one another. But since we’ve talked but the problem for me is that he wants to be with me and I don’t want to be with him. Like I want to co-parent with for our son. So what I’m asking is how do I let him down easy because I’ve told him several time that I didn’t want to be with him because we just don’t get along. And I will not be with someone just because we have a child together just to say we are together that’s not fair to the child because they can feel vibes. What should I do?