Ovulation or Implantation or AF?!?


Okay, so I have pcos and haven’t had a period since January.. So I don’t really know my cycles, but I do try to use opks regularly to keep an eye out for if I ovulate. May 6 and 7 I got tests glow read as positive and were the darkest ones I’ve ever gotten, and happened about 5 days after starting Metformin. On friday night around 10pm I noticed the tiniest spot of pink when I wiped, wiped again and nothing. But then yesterday I wiped a few times and got these and clear discharge. This morning I had it happen once more just on one wipe that was like light brown with pink (didn’t think to take a pic) and I’ve been having some weird cramping, kind of like af but not nearly as severe thankfully!

What is it?? If ovulation occurred it would’ve been around the 5,6 or 7 of May at the latest from the opks I took. Google said it could either be ovulation spotting, af or implantation.

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