Big fat UH...

Ok. I’m fairly old... 37. Really didn’t think this was ever going to happen (married ten years and nothing), so I didn’t ever really bother looking at signs and symptoms until I got this app a few months back just to know when my period was coming up. Then I read some of these posts. So. I feel stupid asking BUT... we were intimate on the 9th, my ovulation day was the 11th, last night (the 13th) started having very light, brownish colored, I wouldn’t even call it spotting, type stuff. Is that what you all refer to as “implant bleeding?” I’m still ten days away from my cycle, and I’ve been pretty spot on time for about the last six months... within a few days of the calendar this app shows me. (Side note: I was on the depo shot for about a year after I got divorced, last shot was 18 months ago, and my cycle was crazy for six months after stopping - too many stupid side effects on that crap. All systems normal since.) Help an old lady out!!