So proud of myself


I was induced last night around 9:30 pm and gave birth this morning at 10:14 am to my beautiful little girl! She's so perfect. Anyways I always get an epidural usually at like 4cm because anything after that I can't handle. This is my 3rd baby. Well I had gotten to 3 cm and my water had broke and I was in such unbelievable pain that I was literally begging for the epidural. So the nurses were like no you can't request it until you are in active labor which trust me at that point I was but my dr came just in time and told them to get me an epidural. So she checked me I was 4cm. After supposedly what they say was 20 minutes they came in and told me I was next in line for anesthesia. Mind you I'm literally dying my contractions in my stomach snd legs are so unbearable I'm screaming at this point and threw my breathing out the window. Well I'm in panic because I literally can not go through with it anymore. I'm like idk how women do the natural child birth thing as in no medicine no epidural because I'm just not built for it. Shortly after the nurse comes in and tells me the anesthesiologist is on his way as soon as she says that i scream Because I literally feel my daughters head in my vagina. I tell the nurse and she obviously was not expecting to see my daughters head right there. She honestly looked shocked and scared and I told her I couldn't do it without an epidural. Well she was like running around frantically telling me not to push and she is shouting out to the other nurses to call my dr who is literally 10 minutes away. I said fuck it I can't and pushed her out in 2 pushes. Never thought I would be the one to do it. And if I have the choice i will never do that again! Anyways I ended up with my beautiful 5 lb 15 oz baby girl Lillian. I honestly couldn't be more thankful