What should I do?



My husband has been excused from duty this weekend! Baby gets to hang out as long as he wants as long as nothing happens!!! 🤰😁🤰😁

Before even getting pregnant my goal for this pregnancy was to not be induced. I was induced with my first, and everything went really well, but I really wanted to experience things going naturally this time. We had multiple issues that made it possible the baby would need to come early (at one point I even thought as early as 34 weeks), so here we are on my due date... everyone still hanging out & doing well. I’m still preferring that things go naturally, but my husband has military duty this weekend 6.5 hours away. He would be devastated if he missed the birth.

I’m scheduled tomorrow morning for a membrane stripping, and I’m tentatively scheduled to be induced on Wednesday morning so that the baby arrives before my husband has to leave for the weekend. I’ve cried multiple times today about the possibility of being induced, but I also know being induced isn’t the end of the world.

Any thoughts for me either way?