Hospital fiasco


So today has been the scariest and most infuriating day of my life. I’m 35w5d with my first baby. This morning at like 1 am I went into L&D; for stomach pains. I was discharged at 6 and told i went into preterm labor and that I was still having contractions but I couldn’t feel them anymore. So the nurse told me if I started feeling them again to go back in. Well I came home and got some sleep, when I woke up lo and behold they started up again. I called my doctors office and was told to take Tylenol, drink water, lie on my side blah blah blah. I done everything except the Tylenol and called back in an hour still feeling contractions. I’m told to come in at first but my doctor calls the office and says he’s stuck at the hospital for another hour. The nurse at the drs office calls back tells me to take Tylenol and call back in another hour. At this point I’m frustrated because I feel like no ones listening but I do as I’m told this time and take Tylenol. About 5-10 minutes after i get sick and the contractions pick up to 2-3 minutes apart. I call back and they tell me to go get checked. I get to the hospital and the nurse I see this time makes me feel like a complete moron for thinking I’m in labor that early, tells me it’s Braxton Hicks (thank god but still) and basically not to come back unless I’m gushing blood or fluids. Now I’m so embarrassed about the whole thing I don’t even want to go back to my doctor Wednesday because I was made to feel so shitty about wanting to go in to make sure I was okay. I definitely am not going to want to go back in if I’m in labor until my water breaks. Why can’t medical professionals be a little sympathetic?