Is he cheating? What do I do??


My husband has a female friend whom I've never met. I'm okay with him having friends duh but I've been left out of the loop. He talks to her more than me, has seen her when I was out of state. And has not disclosed all details about what he's doing. I've discussed this multiple times that if he wants a friendship then to literally just tell me when they want to hang out and what the plan is, but last night he texted me when I was asleep that he was going for a walk, and didn't come home until early early morning. I saw that he had plans to get a drink with her.

All of the conversations with this girl on his phone are innocent as can be. She just wants to hang out at bars or hang out at the crack of dawn. I also saw that he added her on snapchat. I've thrown my ring at him saying to be fully honest or get out before and then last night happened. He does have major communication issues and has told me he doesn't know why he feels like he can't tell me these things. I messaged the girl and she hasn't seen it yet. I'm at my parents house with our baby until I make up my mind. What to you guys think??