Feels like the worst day ever.


Well Im 6weeks and 3 days. Started my new job today. Kinda liking the job so I'm supposed to be so happy. While at work, I felt something and didnt take much notice since i wasnt im pain before or after. Started getting dizzy and nausea so I went to outside for a minute then went outside to catch some air. Went in the bathroom and saw a spots of blood. Hurried up and went to the ER. After 3 hours...found out from the doctor that the ultrasound didnt have an image..pregnancy test and blood work shows I still pregnant but my hcg is 155 and due to prior hcgs going up and down that I coukd be experiencing a miscarriage. Then the nurse comes in and tells me everything looks good and it maybe too early to say anything because anything is possible ..to follow up with my doctor and my hcg was 198. If my day couldnt get any worst..I call my husband ..before i could get anything out my mouth..hes yelling about things I did wrong so at this point, he doesnt know. I really wanted this pregnancy so bad. This was going to be my last child before I close show. I'm just at a lost of words. I'm extremely emotional right now. The thought just brings a flow of tears. I'm just praying for a miracle. I pray my dear Lird hears me. I read story and heard about story of this happening to people and they have healthy baby but I'm just a mess right now
