Tell me your story! 😍

Alright ladies. I am leaving my cheating husband who has mentally abused me into believing this cycle of cheating and going back to him was love for almost 7 years now. I was 15 when we first started dating and this cycle started... it happened so many times and I believed in him enough to marry him at 21 (I know, crazy!) but it’s part of the manipulation. It took me marrying him to realize this ISNT going to change EVER! I KNOW there has to be more to life to than this. He brought me down and made me feel crazy for worrying... just to find out while he’s doing that he was doing stuff behind my back. I want to hear all of your stories on leaving an abusive (mentally/physical) relationship to where you thought that was love, but found someone who taught you what REAL love was and it shocked you! I need some hope here girls!! 💕I’m so scared to get hurt again.. i’m so afraid that another man will be the same way..