28 weeks 5 days w/Twins-hospitalized for preterm labor. 😞

Melinda • I'm a 29 yr old, & engaged, I had B/G twins born 7/30/15 @ 33 wks. I also have a son 8 & daughter 6 yrs old ❤️
I'm 28 weeks 5 days pregnant with di/di twins, a girl & a boy!! I also have a 6 yr old girl & a 8 yr old boy. We got pregnant unexpectedly with twins, we were completely shocked. Everything had been going good besides severe edema in my feet, ankles & legs. Being pregnant this time around w/twins has been a lot harder than my singleton pregnancies, I worked up until 27 weeks till my doctor told me I need to take it easy. I Failed the 1st glucose test, but passed the 3 hour one!! Their watching carefully for preeclampsia, so far blood pressure has been great. Baby A has a marginal cord insertion, they just found that baby B's cords blood flow is not as great as it should be. On sat morning I woke up at 7:30am & was having some pains in my stomach around my uterus, sides & back. I tried going to the bathroom hoping that it was just gas or have to poop. The pains continued & were coming & going, so I woke up my fiancé & kids & called my doctor. My doctor told me to go to labor & delivery to be checked out. They did NST on the babies, & checked me, my cervix was closed & babies were doing good. A couple hours later she was gonna send me home until she checked me again & I had dilated to 1 1/2 -2cm. They have me meds to stop the labor & contractions, & a steroid shot for the babies lungs. They transferred me to the bigger hospital where I could be monitored by high risk ob doctors. & were there's a NICU. I was in the hospital for 4 days, they continued the meds, & gave me another steroid shot. They did more ultrasounds, they babies weighed 2.2lbs & 2.3lbs, & their both head down. They finally let me go home today, but put me on complete bed rest, it's gonna be hard with two kids at home, & my fiancé will have to go back to work. I'm so nervous now that labor will start again, I have to go to the high risk specialist that's 45 mins away every week to have a ultrasound to  onitor the babies growth, & check baby B's blood flow. Praying the babies stay cooking, I'm so nervous about going into preterm labor again!!