Insulin prescribed


Saw my OB today (31 weeks) after just over a week of testing sugars 4Xs/D. He was concerned about my fasting number (ranging from 105-130). He said insulin is probably the best and most effective route. I was realistic and sort of saw this coming, though I thought he’d start with oral medication. He said the oral medicine may or may not help, but insulin was a for sure helper in keeping my numbers down. I’m suppose to be getting a call tmrw to set up education and get my supplies. I kept it together in the office to ask some questions about what it meant for baby and what the next coming weeks would look like, but in the car, I totally lost it. It’s a very scary thing to me to need to inject myself with medication. I’ve been over all very healthy my whole life and consider myself healthy even now. Just feeling a little defeated, overwhelmed, and worried for baby.

What was your experience? Any tips or advice? Thank you in advance 😞