Military spouses: Do you love your military lifestyle? My story posted below


Please answer the poll and comment you’re experience! I would love to hear it!

My fiancé is currently an infantry officer in the Iowa Army National Guard. He has been given the opportunity to transition to active duty. Ever since I known him, he has wanted this. I wouldn’t mind this if he asked a year ago but now I am 7 months pregnant and we JUST bought a house here in Iowa. He tells me I can stay home with the baby and go back to school full time. This all sounds nice but I deal with a lot of mental illness and being alone and away from family could put me in a dark place. I know there is a possibility that I love it too! I was enlisted in the Navy years ago so obviously at one point the military life looked amazing! I wanna be able to see the world and give my child every opportunity but I’m so stuck on what’s best for everyone. Money is not a factor since he is a military contractor as a civilian job. I allowed him to submit his packet to see if he’s eligible but nothing is set in stone yet. Please any input is needed!

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