I’ve been so scared...

Vanessa • Navy wife and mom to an angel in heaven, and three beautiful girls on earth! Trying to navigate quarantine life, running a small business, and having a toddler and a small baby’s at the same time while the oldest does virtual school. Oh what a world we li

I found out on Wednesday that I was pregnant! Enough to show up on a digital test too! I took 4 tests that day. I also went in and got blood work done. I was 3w5d and my hcg levels were at 44.

44 was low BUT for being so early it was acceptable. The nurse had me wait 48 hours and go back today at 4w0d to get my levels rechecked and they came back at 87! It was about an hour early of 48 hours so even though it was not quite doubled, it’s HEALTHY!!

I had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy and was a wreck with my daughter because I was so scared until I got past my first trimester. I didn’t tell anyone in my personal life except for the dad and his family until I was 15 weeks with my daughter. She was happy and healthy and born at 36w6d.

I told my husband that I probably won’t be too emotionally invested in this pregnancy until we get our first ultrasound done but I already am. I hope this rainbow baby is a sticky one.