Worried about work.


So I've been working at a daycare for about 3 months now and I absolutely love it, I'm an assistant teacher and it's the daycare me and my brother went to as kids. Being a daycare teacher was my first dream job as a child and never really stopped being a dream for me, just kinda went to the side for a bit until now. So I've pretty much taken the first step in achieving my dreams as a teacher and will hopefully have a daycare of my own one day. But here's the problem. The head teacher I work with is awful, flat out awful. She jerks kids up, plops them down, drags them, pulls them, screams at them, growls (yes, she growls at these babies), screams at me, snaps my head off, and then gets mad bc the kids are upset/I'm not getting everything done. State (as in state department for child care, we've always called it State for short) will be at this daycare any day now, it's getting close to time for them to make their yearly visit. Idk how I'm going to do this. It doesn't help that there's nothing my boss can do about this woman, we're that shorthanded. She tries hiring people but they never follow through. My boss is a wonderful woman to work for but this one teacher is a piece of work. She also wouldn't let me do anything the first 1 1/2-2 months I've been working there. So I've been there 3 months and 1 1/2-2 months was spent not being allowed to do my job. Yesterday was particularly awful. I was left with 6 kids, the max amount 1 teacher (this is the 1-year old room) can have, 2 teachers= 12 kids. The minute this woman walked out the door, 5 out of the 6 went nuts. They kept pushing chairs around, wouldn't listen to me for nothing, and even the baby room teacher tried to get these kids to listen and they wouldn't stop. We both tried everything, but she had to stay in her room so there wasn't much she could do. Head teacher comes back in for something and yells at me for not making these kids listen. I had a screaming child on the changing table with a diaper rash from hell and I'm trying to keep her calm, clean her up, put her cream on her rash, and get the others to chill out. But that didn't matter to her. To her it looked like I was just standing there. But I wasn't. Me and the baby room teacher can both prove that. She took a kid and the kid's diaper and she left the room again. After a while she came back for her stuff. The baby room teacher asked if she needed to put a child back over (she had one of my smaller one-year olds to get the room down to 6) and she said no. The teacher asked if she was going to get in trouble for keeping him there and she said no she wanted him safe. She left and I almost started crying, I literally had tears in my eyes as I was changing the little girl. This was all over the course of 15 minutes. The child was screaming/crying, couldn't hold still, and was in hellacious pain so yes it took me 15 minutes to change one kid. I don't know what I'm going to do. Monday could very well be my last day. And no, the teacher that screamed at me is not going to get in trouble. Parents love her, a lot of the kids love her so that covers her tracks, but she does that without everyone thinking she's so amazing. What do I do? I need legitimate answers from people who work or have worked in a daycare and have knowledge of people like this.