He flipped out

I recently told my husband of 2 years that I wanted a divorce. long story short he flipped out on me. I'm not sure what he expects considering that I have given him 2 years to be the father our boys deserve and the husband that he should be. I have been cooking and cleaning and taking care of 2 boys by myself for 2 years. he has no job, because he quit and expects me to stay. I think it's sad that my friend is more of a father to my sons than he is right now. I just don't know what to do anymore. now he is acting like our marriage is perfect again. ***Update*** My husband and I decided to get a divorce. We filled for our divorce on the 11th of June. He said that because me and guy friends fell asleep on the couch that I was a cheater and that because I fooled around with that friend that I'm a cheater. even though he was instantly talking about going on dates to get over me and start a new family. oh well, I am so much happier now with a man that treats me right and lives my kids unconditionally. but thank you all for your advice.