I won't give up!


so I was due my period last Wednesday and being impatient, I tested Wednesday evening instead of waiting for fmu! To my delight there was that faint line I had been dreaming off, I stared and stared in case my eyes were tricking me and showed my 2 sisters who could also see the line! my husband was out for the night, and I decided to 're test again on the Thursday morning to hopefully get a stronger line before telling him! well Thursday morning came and with it, came the most horrendous clotting painful bleed I have ever experienced! I had a doctors appointment booked for something else that evening and they confirmed it was a chemical pregnancy! they tried to reassure me I did nothing wrong and I wouldn't have even known if I hadn't taken that test but I was heartbroken beyond words. Saturday I had to go to a baby show with my best friend and whilst I was so happy for her, the whole day I fought back tears! I have just stopped bleeding and after the few days to get my head around what happened, and my husband being so supportive when I know how much it hurt him, It's time to brush myself off and hope this month is the month! baby dust to you all!!!