Hard couple weeks suspect another Chemical 😭😭

So this past week+ I went from having 5 faint positive tests to now nothing. I’ll start from the beginning. I ovulated on the 10th. I could feel it happen and it lined up exactly with my charting/ temps etc.. I had a very sharp pain 6dpo and hoped it might be implantation. ( my cycles have been very regular for the past 9 months or so ... I have a 20 month old who I still BF, they took a while to regulate) then around 7dpo I had some brownish red bleeding that was watery but heavy (and unexpected!) I woke up to it.😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 I was under the impression implantation bleeding is generally light and thought maybe my cycle was over a week early. However The bleeding lasted 2 days and then it was just light spotting for a day or two more. ( also no real cramps like with my period) 17dpo I took a test and it was a faint positive, after a couple hours the line had darkened a bit and I was pretty excited. Over the next day or two I tested a few more times. The lines were not getting darker though and were taking Wayyyyyy Longer to show up. They still did show up though. As of two days ago there is no line at all 😩😩 I am assuming it’s another chemical pregnancy. Sadly this would be the 7th one I know about . Atm and throughout the day I have been having extremely painful cramps. Just waiting for the bleeding to start😭😭😭😭😩 it feels like really bad period cramps.