New Baby

Alicia • Vegetarian, Stoner, 21. I'm not looking to fight, but I will.

My brother and I found 3 stray cats yesterday evening. Two girls and one boy, all sweet as can be. So naturally we brought them home with the intentions of taking them to the shelter in the morning.

(The boy is super shy so I couldn't get any pictures of him)

I fell in love with the little, grey cat when she first walked up. She was super sweet, curious, and when we started gathering them to take them home, she stayed incredibly calm the entire time.

Well, I ended up keeping her. My boyfriend agreed that she could live with him till I move in, I'm moving in with our 8 month old son as soon as I get a job, so she's currently set up in the unused bedroom, and we just decided on the name Astrid for her.

I think she's enjoying it 😻