Sick of my dog!

Okay long story . I have a 10 month oldAmerican pit bull terrier . I love her to bits and pieces Okay so when I got her I was so uptight about training I had the classes picked out spent countless hours researching. Because of her breed and how most people view these dog as aggressive I wanted her to be socializing out the ass so we did that she absolutely loves people and other dogs I put a lot of energy into making sure of that well I kinda neglected house training . Now it’s awful today alone she has been outside several times I even get up at night to let her out she has pooped on my floor 3 times and peed 4 just today . She has ruined my floor it all needs to be replaced now and I need to do it this summer so my landlord will resign the lease even if she doesn’t I can’t move with the floor like that she is a good landlord I do t wanna do that so she HAS to stop. I have tried negative reinforcement where I tell he she is a bad dog and no pooping in the house and bring her right outside. Gave treats when she goes potty outside. Sprays , I refuse to use pee pad only make issues later from my experience. I tried kenneling (she doesn’t poop in there so I know she can hold it when she is out at night) she will piss right outside the door of my bedroom if she’s mad that I locked her out even just to bleach the floor for 10 mins . I’m so sick of cleaning it up and I have to replace that floor I can’t until she is potty trained. I never went through this with my other pup (golden retriever ) he is smart and caught on really well he was almost completely potty trained by 5 months . I need help any advice will help 😫(please don’t Just comment I shouldn’t own a dog she is a great dog other then this, there is no circumstance I will get rid of her but I really need help! )