*UPDATED* Do you think it’s fair for a grandparent to miss a first birthday?


My mom has decided she will not be attending my son’s first birthday party tomorrow because she doesn’t like the fact that my father will be there (divorced). Even though my father and stepmother are perfectly polite to her she still doesn’t want to come. She’s claiming that it’s because she feels anxious but proceeded to write me a petty text message the size of an email about how she doesn’t like how I “favor my father over her”

They divorced when I was a baby and she still has an issue with him. Now because she’s not coming my brother can’t come because they live an hour away and she was his ride.

So do you think it’s okay for a grandparent to miss such a mile stone? Or is it okay with a “good” reason?

*I’m not sure if this fits in this room I’ll move it if it doesn’t*

Added a pic of my boy ❤️


So if anyone was wondering if she showed up or not the answer is no. I actually had to cancel the whole party because my son fell severely ill and was admitted to the PICU the day of his party. Fortunately he’s doing much better and will be most likely released tomorrow morning. However we know she wouldn’t have showed up anyway because I never told her the party was canceled and I never received a call from her asking about what happened. She doesn’t even know my son is in the hospital. I didn’t bother to reach out because my father would be there too. Since she‘s made it clear she doesn’t want to be around him why bother?

Thank you all for your input, I’m sorry you all have similar stories. I really hope our families can learn to love unconditionally.