I did it again. 😂


My birth story for our little girl, Allie Faith! She may be tiny, but she made a bigger entrance than her brother! I was scheduled to be induced this morning at seven a.m. due to IUGR and hypertension. Got here on time, dilated to a (stretched to) 4cm 40-50% effaced, started pitocin about 9. Contractions got killer quick, but I knew to avoid the Stadol this time as it did nothing for the pain and just made me feel drunk with my son. My mom and sister were applying counter pressure to my back and hips as things got more intense. I started feeling pressure about two but was only 6 cm. Had her check me again soon after that and I was a 6-7. Started raining about this time, my husband ran down to roll up his car windows and my doctor stepped out to check on another patient in the ER. About thirty seconds after they both stepped out, I could not stop pushing (only 7cm when she had checked me before they stepped out). About four pushes, ten terrified nurses rushing in, and some screaming later, our little girl was here! Doctor did get there in time to deliver my placenta, I cut the cord. About a minute later, my husband runs back in. I'm a little destroyed that he missed it honestly, this is our last child. But born 37+1, at 3:55 p.m., all 5lbs 5oz 18.5 in of our little girl came flying into this world. Her poor little face is all bruised and my sister is traumatized! But we're both happy and healthy.

Here's some better pictures since things calmed down.

Milk drunk 😂 She's latching great when she actually wakes up lol. With her blood sugar being a little low and me being untreated for GBS because they didn't have my results from the test Monday, she's been poked and prodded quite a bit.