My due date baby!

Meredith • Mommy, wife, & pediatric nurse 💙💗

My little miss is here!

On Sunday I was 39+6 and had pretty regular contractions, nothing earth shatteringly painful, but enough to be annoying all day. I was doing everrrrrrything to keep them coming. Clary sage, walking, a few squats, we swam in the pool, nipple stimulation, the whole deal. Well around 8 or so that night they had kind of slowed up and weren’t really coming as regular anymore. But aside from that my karate kid hadn’t really moved in a little over an hour and a half, even after milk and cookies so I told my husband I wanted to go to L&D; just to make sure she wasn’t in distress.

They got me on the monitor and for a little while she was pretty non reactive so they had me flip all over until they got her to move. They checked to make sure my water hadn’t broke and did a cervical check and the nurse told me I was like 3cm. After that they sent us on our way. So we left our son with my MIL and decided to go home and just get some sleep.

Welllllllll, fast forward to about 3:45am I was up thinking I’m going to have pretty bad diarrhea. We are crap McDonald’s on our way home from the hospital and my stomach had been pretty edgy. When I went to use the bathroom I noticed a little blood but wasn’t too concerned considering someone just had their fingers and a dry cotton swab up there. I tried to lay back down and just couldn’t so I told my husband I was going to get a shower. That didnt last long either.. I ended up having to have him help me out of the shower because I couldn’t stand up on my own. At that point my husband must’ve started counting because he looked panicked and called the doctor. At that point my contractions were only a minute apart and we live 25 minutes from the hospital without traffic.

My husband grabbed our stuff and me and we hauled butt. The drive to the hospital 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳. Good. Lord. I wanted to die. I was in so much pain it was unreal. When we got to the hospital and up to L&D; the same nurses that had seen me a few hours ago were still there and could tell that things had definitely changed! She started directing my husband to get me undressed and at the end of my contractions get me on the bed so she could check me. I was almost 9cm and baby girl was about ready to make her entrance!

They got me over to the labor suite and got me on the bed and of course started fishing for an IV so that I could get my antibiotics for my GBS. Awful. But I got onto the bed at 0500 and at 0540 I needed to push! Little girl was here in three pushes at 0546! All 7lbs 6oz of her on her exact due date even! 💗

It was so unbelievably surreal. I was induced with my son and ended up with an epidural at 7cm. My labors with them were so polar opposite. But after all the pain everything about my daughters birth was exactly how I had hoped and planned for it to be. Completely intervention and assistance free! I couldn’t be happier!