Dumb question but.........


I was just thinking to myself. This is my 3rd baby. With my last 2 I went full term. 1st son was born at 39w3d at 6lbs12oz. 2nd son was induced at 40w1d at 8lbs5oz. 3rd is a girl and last I heard she was 3lb7oz at 28w. Ob hasn't mentioned me measuring ahead and said babes weight at that time was good. so if we're going by the standard .5lb gain every week, I'd guess she's around 5lbs give or take some ounces now. My question is would you expect me to go full term pass 40w with this one or have her earlier? I haven't had any complications like GD, high blood pressure, preeclampsia, etc. Anyone have a difference between their births? Of course I'm just tryna ease my mind since I have a little over 5 weeks left.