
I have no idea how to put this in words but I’m scared...

I’m scared to be a mom because what if I can’t be a “good” mom.

I’m scared I won’t be financially stable to take care of my baby.

I’m scared to be in labor because I don’t know when my baby is going to come I usually love planning so I don’t get anxiety.

I’m scared I will be having postpartum depression because I have been on meds on and off since I was 12 and finally stopped during pregnancy because it magically went away.

I’m just scared. First time mom and everything was fine up until third trimester I keep thinking about all these stuff and making myself upset. I don’t know if I’m alone or if this is just me. Or if this a first time mom thing. But I worry for my babies future. All I want is for my baby to be born healthy and safe...