Husband won't let me see my mom

My mom & husband don't get along. My mom believes my husband doesn't help enough with the kids and is has natural mom worries, my husband thinks she should mind her businesses.

I try to keep things neutral because I clearly love them both.

But my husband will not let me go visit my parents! We only have one car, if I ask him he says he's not working for his money to gas to see a woman that doesn't like him. Okay, I understand. If I ask him to drop him off at work so I can use the car to see my parents with our kids (his work and my parents house are next to each other) he told me "absolute not, especially with your attitude lately" to which I have NO idea what he's talking about, but I know he just says that because he doesn't want me to go.

I'm not too sure how to handle the situation, because I really miss my parents and they're my kid's grandparents, but I need to respect my husband as well..