Sharp Pain Between Upper Buttocks and Lower Back


26weeks & 5 days. It’s been days since I started to feel pain from the right side of my upper buttocks. At first I thought maybe it’s because I try my best to position my body facing sideways left when sleeping since it is good for the baby’s circulation and mine. But after some time the pain didn’t go away until now. It’s getting hard for me to walk, to get up or even sit. Because it’s so painful. I feel as if my legs are so tired every day too.

What is happening? I’ve been doing research and there’s nerve pain/sciatica and tail bone pain?

P.S. I have lumbar scoliosis so exercising makes me scared because it might worsen my case. But I hope some of you can share their experiences here that are similar. I’m going to be a first time mom and I don’t want to make any mistakes as much as possible and I’d appreciate any suggestions or comments from real people rather google who keeps scaring the shit out of me.

Thank you mommies!!! ❤️