Frustrated with husband’s decisions

My husband wanted to start a business. First he wanted to buy land and got a 20,000 Loan from our bank. He decided to buy land in his home country. He sent all of the Loan money to his brothers to buy land. They did but now he wants the money back and there have been problems getting it back. So now we are stuck paying a loan off not knowing WHEN this money is coming

We didn’t have a lot of extra money saved but he used our tax return. We were gonna I got to sell stuff on amazon and then eventually make our own website. He changed his mind and wanted to start our own website first. It obviously takes a long time to make. Its finally done after 4 months. Before we even made a website, He bought bags, shoes, and watches from wholesale/liquidation websites. He never researched the products he bought. They are all ok quality but there’s nothing special about it.

I have kind of let him do whatever he wants because it’s his dream to have a business. I regret it. He has used all of his credit cards to the max. So now we are stuck paying off loans and his credit cards. I’m just fucking frustrated because he wants me to help him with this business but I don’t even like what he is buying. He is putting the prices too high for everything. I am supporting him but I feel like we are wasting our time

I need to do something in life with meaning. Not a business just to make money.