Vacay crisis (I know I sound 12 but ya know🤷‍♀️)

So long story short my boyfriend doesn't want me to go to Hawaii with my best friend and my other friend which happens to be a guy (and he's gay). I see no problem in it, however, it's a huge one to him. He knows that my guy friend isn't in to girls in the least bit but he says he still doesn't want me to go that far away and have to share a hotel with him. He also said that if I go he'll never forgive me, but he also told me that he wouldn't break up with me so I don't know how that would work and I really want to go on vacation because it's like a once in a lifetime thing. (How many times are you going to get offered a free plane ticket and hotel in Maui?) Someone please help me! What do I say to calm my boyfriend and keep him and the vacation?


Thanks girlies! He's still pissed about it and won't talk about it at all but I told him I was going and that he was going to have to get over it! Thanks for all the support y'all ❤️