

Alright, this is probably going to sound weird, but lately my body has been "baby hungry". I have always had a strong attraction to my man, but lately it's been even stronger. We are both young, and by no means are we ready for a baby. Both of us look forward to the day we can say "Let's have a baby", but neither of us want a pregnancy right now. However, I've been having dreams every night about being pregnant/getting pregnant/having a baby with him. My body is changing, and I have suddenly developed a very strong maternal instinct. In my mind, I very much do not want to get pregnant this young, I am pushing it off for maybe another 6-7 years at the least. We both want to be older, financially stable, and have a place of our own before we start trying. But lately I've had a deep urge to have a baby. All logical systems and reasoning says "NOT YET!!!" but my body is screaming "have his babies" every time I'm near him. ***clarification: there is no way I am pregnant, I haven't missed any periods, and everything seems normal except for my biological instincts demanding babies.***is this just hormones? I has anyone else ever had this issue? I'm not really sure what's going on, but I just didn't know if this was a normal thing or if it's just me being weird, like always😂 ***clarification : We have been together for going on 4 years, and we are 17 and 19. still young, but a lot more mature than many other couples our age.***