20 weeks.

new mom

Today I'm 20 weeks. I'm always worrying about stuff and I know it's wrong but so many people tell me so many things. Like they say if I don't feel baby move at least once a day then I need to go to the Dr. And I honestly never feel her move. I have felt her move only 3 times since 18 weeks. I'm told I'm suppose to feel her 1 time a day at minimum from friends and family. So it concerns me. I have a stethoscope and tried listening to her heartbeat w it but I obviously don't know what I'm doing cause I couldn't find it. My next appointment is next Monday. I don't want to stress but it's hard. And they aren't going to do an ultrasound they're just going to take measurements and listen to her. Which is fine. I'm just scared that something is wrong. Should I just stop it and trust that my body knows what it's doing and she is fine? Or should I be concerned and call my Dr? My boobs hurt and I'm nauseated here and there so I still have small symptoms.