2 an 1/2months tummy issues.


My little boy has stomache issues!! I've been giving him mommy's bliss gripe water stuff but he still constantly has gas or tummy issues. He goes to the Dr. Thursday but I thought I'd ask on here anyway. He crys and crys till he farts or something. Sometimes it's difficult to burp him. he is breastfed I'm having some trouble making enough to feed him. as he seems to wanna eat constantly, he wants held but only with your hand or knee on his stomache patting his back. but my question is he only poops bout every other day. so along side the gas and tummy troubles he seems idk kinda constipated but when he does poop is like diarrhea. idk how to help relieve his stomache problems besides that gripe water. my 2nd baby had trouble pooping to. I think I gave her actual juice. can I give him juice at 2 months.? anyone got another idea how I can help my poor Baby. I have ran outta ideas.