Would you be upset?

My sons father and me recently started having contact again this past March after not talking for a year and that includes him not seeing our son in a year.

It took a lot for me to let him back in our lives as we were perfectly content with it just being me and my son. But I am not the type of person to keep a child from a parent, especially since I grew up with a deadbeat father that wanted nothing to do with me.

Well he has already dipped out on us meeting somewhere three times, didn’t even call and let me know he had to cancel or anything and this messed me up with plans that I could have had but then didn’t because we were supposed to meet. I never got explanations until the next day or sometimes I didn’t get one at all.

Well yesterday he called me to inform me that we wouldn’t be meeting up today because he was “very very sick” and obviously didn’t want to get our son sick, and that we could meet to take him to the park another time (which was the original plan) And I was okay with that, he was sick, I understood that.

I get on Facebook and this girl he’s “friends” with was with him, posting pictures and things like that. He didn’t look sick AT ALL, plus he and her were at the park together (the one we were supposed to meet at.)

Now I don’t give a crap about the girl or anything because that’s not my business, she seems nice, and has even asked to hang out with me sometime.

The problem is that he lied and that aggravates me because that was a big problem in our relationship. He constantly lied, and I can’t stand liars especially with everything he put me through. It pisses me off even more because he had no reason to lie! He could have just told me the truth and I would have been fine because I honestly didn’t want to meet this weekend anyways but I was going to for him to see his son. I want to say something about it but he’ll try to say I’m arguing. Not to mention he probably thinks I still believe him because he doesn’t have Facebook so he doesn’t know that girl made that post with him.

I’m just not sure what to do about it because he’s already starting to slack a lot and it’s only been a few months.🙄