My 2 year old son is a Masochist. I need help. *UPDATE*


UPDATE: So his doctor called me today and asked for more info. Because there’s no concerns of abuse, he has not said it hurts, his diapers are normal and he has not rammed it or stabbed it in the past week they cancelled his appointment on the 20th and instructed me to call for a same day appointment if I notice him ramming or stabbing it again. They said the pulling even though it seems excessive is normal and so is hitting/slapping with his hand. Does that seem right or should I get a 2nd opinion?

I would like to add I was kinda panicked and feeling very “dramatic” until seeing some advice and talking to my mom. I’m not editing the original post but would like to add: pulling in the tub is frequent, smacking over the diaper and poking and jabbing aggressively during diaper changes is frequent. The more concerning ramming it only happens occasionally as I’m more careful after the first couple times and stabbing with the pen only happened once. Sorry for the confusion lol I was being a crazy person and super freaked out.

I have a 2 and a half year old. This is new behavior. Penis exploration is normal but the manner he does it is concerning to me.

This fucking child. Is obsessed with his penis. And he like does things that have provoked me to say many times in a day “be nice to your penis.”

1. Grabbing the skin and pulling so far I gagged.

2. Taking his diaper off and straight wailing on it.

3. Also with his diaper off he pretend pees on things then with his hips thrusted outward runs into hard objects.

4. PULLED HIS DIAPER AWAY FROM HIS GROIN/ABDOMEN then with great accuracy and aggression STABBED HIS PENIS REPEATEDLY with a fucking PEN.

He flips when I make him stop. I’m very calm about it. “Please be nice to your penis when you play with it and please do it in private in the tub or your room.” And remove whatever object he’s using, replace his diaper, create a distraction (since I can’t take his hands or the wall away.)

My first is a girl and our 2nd son I didn’t meet until he was 4. So this is my only boy per day and I’m not sure if this is normal if I should be worried?
