My uncle just hit me

I was cooking. At 12 pm in the afternoon. And woke him up. He stayed up all night playing his video games that he’s sooo tired and needs the extra sleep for more video games tonight since he’s unemployed. He kept muttering under his breath, I said “what?” Then told me to “shut the fuck up in there” so I said “you shut up. If you had a job like most 40 year old men you wouldn’t have to worry about being woken up.” At this point, my other uncle went outside and didn’t even attempt to stop it. He came out of his room and we were talking shit, yelling etc, him calling me fat, that I’m stupid and a brat.. then he said “you’re lucky I don’t kick your fucking ass” so I got up in his face and I was like “yeah?? Do it.” Then he punches my face, I dodge it and it just barely grazes my face. I kick him in the balls, push him, punch him in the face. He puts his hands around my neck, I spin around with my back to him, then he squeezes my arms so hard they bruise.

My uncle has been bumming off of my mom for over 10 years. He has had no job the entire time. He used to live with us a long time ago, but he put his hands on my brother and stole from my mom so she finally kicked him out.

I called my mom and she said she’s kicking him out and printing out an eviction notice but I bet he’ll beg on his knees when she gets home and she’ll let him stay. He also has no marks on him, only I do.

She told me I could call the cops if I chose to, but my other uncle that is bumming off of us will cover for him since they’re both pieces of shit. My sister was in her room.. she heard everything but didn’t see anything. I don’t know what to do.

By the way, sorry if this is the wrong group and that it’s anonymous. Don’t really know what group to put it in.