TW: MENTION OF ASSAULT, was i assaulted?

so i’m not sure if this counts as sexual harassment or assault.... i had an ex boyfriend who didn’t respect me, especially in that way. one night he continuously tried to put his hand down my pants even though we had talked about it and i clearly said i didn’t want it. very clearly. on several occasions. i tried to move away but he didn’t let me. he lied somewhat on top of me, making sure my hands were under him. we were with friends so he couldn’t be too obvious. i tried to move but i couldn’t. i moved quickly that i caught the attention of our friends before he could slip his hand all the way down. on another occasion, he continuously moved my hand onto his genitalia. we made eye contact and i said no and moved my hand away. he didn’t stop. he kept moving my hand. he gripped my wrist so hard it hurt. he eventually gave up, on him. he then moved on to trying to put his hand onto my private area. once again, i moved his hand away obviously and said no and shook my head. but he didn’t give up, again. he continued to try even though he heard me and made eye contact with me. i don’t know if this is sexual harassment or assault and i’m too scared to ask anyone in real life. pls help me