Just one little kitten?

Haley • Wife || Momma

We weren’t 100% sure our cat was pregnant. Some days she looked like she was pregnant and then others it’s like her big belly disappeared. She was acting overly affectionate the last couple of days toward me and I tried to check her tummy to see if I could feel anything I only felt one little lump that I couldn’t determine was a kitten or not. Fast forward to last night around 6:30 she went into labor and had a just one little kitten. She was a little agitated for about 1.5 hours as if she wasn’t really sure what to do with this new baby. But from then on until now (10:30 am) she is cool as a cucumber. Relaxed, loving her kitten, and eating/drinking. I’ve checked her stomach and it doesn’t really seem like there’s anything in there. Is it possible she could have just had a littler of one?

And please, if your only opinion is to take her to a vet save it. We don’t really have the money for a vet bill, and this cat is not a priority. We found her abandoned in a crate on a porch in the snow this winter and haven’t been able to find a home for her. I’m pregnant and she hates everybody but me, so we’re hoping to get rid of her before baby comes.