To the man and woman at Burger King....


First of, I know this won’t get to you. Second, I’m in pure shock.

To the man, I understand you’ve probably been waiting to be let out for a few seconds now, but really is calling me a c*** the way to speak to a woman? Is cutting me off because you’re angry the way to do things? Maybe instead pull up a little so people could see you waiting and I promise if I would have saw you I would have let you out since that truck was blocking the drive through lane even though I still had the right of way.....

To the woman, is it necessary to get into your mans lap to cuss me out and flip me off? Is it necessary to put yourself and others in danger because I did not see you to let you out and instead your man cuts me off and y’all proceed to act fools to “make a point” all while you have your knees in your mans lap and your entire body is cutting his view of the road off..... was it necessary? Did it make you feel better? I mean I’ve had my fair share of road rage, but I’ve never done that. A little over dramatic don’t ya think?

I hope y’all have a blessed day, and next time make sure oncoming traffic can see you before acting a fool. Maybe lay off the drugs that caused all those scabs on your faces and huge bruises on your arms at your elbows..... because I did call the cops once I noticed y’all on the road swerving. I had your license plate. Karma is a bitch.