Update : Changing my childs name on Father’s Day

Rebecca • Proud Muskogee Native American Heyoka Empath/ psychic medium. Married to the love of my life. Living life in our tiny house. Mommy of a 9 year old storm trooper. Just gave birth to our little bambino. Follow me so I can follow.

I just want to give my husband credit where credit is due.

He has completely accepted my 8 year old since day one as his. We just had our first child together and in the back of my mind I was worried he wouldn’t love Zealand as much as Bodhi our new born. I’ve seen over woman and even friends deal with it. But there is zero difference. He has so much love for both. It makes me cry to think about it. He has asked me multiple time to get Zealand’s name changed to his last name. So, for Father’s Day that’s what I’m going to take him to do.

I only pray all children are accepted by their parents partners the way my husband has. Wishful thinking I know, but still sending it out to the universe.

His great grandmother commented on a picture on my Facebook. This is his response. He always corrects his family :

Update June 2, 2018

So, the gig is up. I went to the main house for a few mins came. Came back to our tiny house and he is on our bed crying. He runs to me and I’m like wth, why are you crying? Are you okay. He started telling me how amazing I am. I had no idea. What was going on. We he then told me he saw my post and he is sorry, he didn’t know to tell me or not. He was so happy. He embraced me for awhile. He has a glow account and yes he checks glow and we like to find funny and cool stories and read them to each other. He saw mine. Lol oh well it’s not a secret anymore. But we had a really special moment together. So, i wouldn’t trade it.