BFN... again!

Yoly • 33 Yrs young with PCOS and only 1 ovary. “In a world where you can be anything, be kind”

This morning I was all excited to wake up and take my pregnancy test. Instead I woke up to AF in full furry. Hubby and I have been trying for baby number 2 for almost 3 years now. The more time passes without a positive, the more I realize what a little miracle my son is. I was diagnosed with PCOS in April after finally seeking the medical opinion of a fertility specialist. My periods were late sometimes and TTC was just that much harder.. PCOS made sense. Next step was letrezol with a trigger shot to help get things going. I was very hopeful. The pills made my follicles grow and I got the ok to take the trigger shot to release the egg. I even confirmed that I ovulated.. then the 2WW which is usually terrible but this month was especially bad. I made it all the way to yesterday. I saw a spot on the toilet paper. My heart broke instantly. I knew what I was looking at. That was all my eggs in one basket and the basket just got run over by a huge bus. It was light at first so I played with the idea that it might be implantation. This morning I woke up to full flow. Like the flood gates opened up. I y’all y though, I’m not cramping as bad as I usually am. I was cramping harder when I took the pills and ovulated. Anyways.. I’m starting all over again today. Have my next doctors appt and will be doing another round of pills and shots. They’re expensive and not covered by insurance. My husband is stressing the money. I don’t blame him. One of us has to since I’m so wrapped up in baby making to even worry about debt. Everyone keeps asking me “when are you having another baby?” They have no idea what I’m going through. It’s hard. I know most women on here can understand my pain. Guess I’ll just leave this here for anyone else who might be going through something similar. You’re not alone.