Induction to meet my princess...

Melanie • Mom of 2 girls! 11 year old, Mikayla Nicole and baby girl, Amelia Rose! 😍

So, it's been 14 days since the birth of my beautiful daughter, Amelia Rose. We were scheduled to be induced 6am Friday morning on 5/18/18 which would put me at 39 weeks and 5 days from my due date. I went in at 6am and was already at 2cm a few days before. They tried to check me again at the hospital but couldn't! Baby's head dropped so low that the opening to my cervix was blocked and they couldn't reach it! 3 tries later, the nurses decided to go ahead and start the pitocin at 8am and wait for the doctor to arrive so he could check me. They said as my cervix opens, it will move forward and they will get the measurements eventually. Dr came in at 2pm at checked me and I was at 4 cm. He decided to break my water and I received my epidural at 3:30pm. The first epidural didn't work so the lead anesthesiologist came in and redid it all over again. The second epidural fell out immediately and they had to do it again! Welp, third times the charm and finally went numb. The doctor came back and rechecked me again at 4:30pm and I was at 5cm. So he said he will come back in a fee hours and see where we were at. However, by 5pm, I felt what felt like a contraction that didn't go away. I knew something was different and I asked my hubby to check my daughter's heart monitor because I could hear it but just barely. I felt like she dropped further down my birth canal and moved away from the monitor. I called the nurse and she came in to recheck me just in case but honestly thought something was just wrong with my epidural since it's only been 30 mins since my last check. I WAS RIGHT! BABY WAS READY TO GO! From 5 to 10cm in 30 mins! I had to wait for my doctor to come back because he left thinking he had an hour to finish something else at least, lol. The doctors office is next to the hospital. He rushed back and everyone was scrambling to get everything prepared. With two contractions and some pushes, my baby girl was born at 6:12pm! 8lbs 12 ounces 21.75 inches! And, I didn't say one curse word lol. In fact, we were more worried about my hubby standing and pacing over my shoulder lol. The nurses and I thought he was going to pass out! I kept telling him to keep breathing and it's going to be ok, lol. The nurse asked him if he needed a chair and I'm not sure if he even heard her completely 😂 It was just my husband and I in the birthing room when it was time to push, but i had all the grandparents there to keep my company beforehand. I specifically requested that no other family of friends be present and visitation to wait until the next day and limited to 1 hr.

It was a beautiful birth and my daughter is happy and healthy.

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Posted at
this is adorable!!♥ that's how my family was too my parents, my bfs parents and his 2 sisters omg


Posted at
I loooove her hair! Beautiful family :)


Posted at
So beautiful m, congratulations!!