Horrible end of graduation/was I wrong

So I graduated today but my night ended so bad that I’m not even happy if my accomplishment . When I first got my diploma after returning my gown my parents texted me where am I and I was lost because for one it was dark & I can’t see that well I wear glasses but didn’t have them with me my bf called me and was locating me cause he was closer I met a few more of his family members and they were taking pics . My parents were all over the place and they kept calling me complaining how their tired and want to leave and how I shouldn’t be taking pics with other people I should be taking pics with them . Anyway I was thinking wtf can you wait like let me enjoy my night, so I eventually found them and introduced my bf to them I never wanted them to meet because my family is not normal.. seriously. They looked mean and awkward they were even cold to his mother who is very nice to me as well as his other family members . Anyway I left my bag in his car because we drove to graduation together since my parents didn’t want to drop me (we had to be there earlier then them) and they said it’s too much work so find my way with a uber or something . So I said let me grab my bag I’m coming . My stepfather bought me flowers I said thank u which wasn’t enough he expected more . Saying I’m unappreciative if my boyfriend bought it I would’ve done more . Anyway they were complaining how tired they were so I said what are we abt to do , i wanted to celebrate they said they’re going home so I said wow can I go out to eat w my bf I haven’t ate ALL DAY & my stepfather was screaming at me and my mom too and they hung up in my face and said that im disrespectful for asking them to go out to eat I shouldn’t have dared because it was a family night (were going the fuck home to sleep everyone went to sleep when we got home

What typa family night is that) we weren’t doing shit . Kids got cars , gifts, money etc all a bitch wanted to do was eat I couldn’t eat at the time I got out because my little brothers was tired but anyway my mom called me a dumbass and said I’m boy crazy & im a pig And the dumbest girl ever and how all I care abt is a nigga and they both said your bf and his mother is so black your. Gonna have black ass kids (I’m Black too btw but they’re Jamaican just a lil darker then me) I didn’t think that fucking mattered were still fucking black. Anyway my mom slapped me in my head and said I’m ungrateful she could’ve stayed home and I said regardless I would’ve did it I would have got my diploma with u here or not because u didn’t help me throughout these 4 years. She didn’t even check on me to make sure I was passing she hasn’t made sure I’m on track or nothing I kept myself in tact. She never even asked how’s my grades . And my stepfather got mad and said who taught u how to read dummy don’t tell ur mom that blah blah and they went crazy and my mom said every mean word she can think off and said her feet hurts from her heels and I wanted to go out to eat instead of home & my stepfather said I bought you flowers and you don’t even care but if he bought it you would’ve cared . He’s not even cute he’s a black motherfucker I’m turning 18 next month and it’s like its getting WORSE I’m treated like a fucking baby Im on fucking lockdown I have to beg my parents to go outside I have ZERO FREEDOM. I can’t do shit & nothing is good enough. My mom said that question was the worse question to ask like WE NOT DOING SHIT TO CELEBRATE SO LET ME CELEBRATE ON MY OWN . Everyone is sleeping they didn’t even cook or get a cake. NOTHING. We’re very financially stable so it isn’t like they didn’t have the money they just didn’t want to make the effort . And my mom said my real dad doesn’t give me shit and look how I treat her husband because he has said I’m attractive in the past and have a nice body and he was sooo pressed that I was gonna go out to eat w my bf I asked him are u jealous why u acting like ur my man ( my mom doesn’t know abt his pervert comments and that he likes to ask me have I lost my virginity yet and when do I plan to) so she was sticking up for him and just CHAOS . My night went horrible over a fucking question that had a yes or no answer to . Like i don’t even care abt graduating anymore . Am I rlly that wrong for asking a question wtf ?