He’s home!! ( Gave birth to 34 weeks baby )

Lucy • 👪

Happy to announce baby boy is home after spending a week in the NICU. He came home May 31, 2018. Thank you to the NICU team for taking great care of my son. Because of you he was able to come home today! I will forever be grateful for all that you’ve done for him. 💙

First night at home with baby was rough. He was fussing a lot. I realized if he isn’t sleeping after a bottle, to cuddle & play with him till he has fallen asleep then put him in his bassinet.

A nurse from the NICU suggested hubby & I take 6 hours shifts but because I’m pumping, I’m doing 4 hours. So I went to bed at 10, got up at 12 cause I couldn’t sleep. Hubby went to sleep, I fed baby, but he was cranky I fed him some more since he seemed hungry based on the sings. I changed him twice. I’m tired & stressed out but I believe I’ll get through this. It takes time.

Yesterday ( June 1, 2018) hubby & I took baby to his first doctors appt. ( Follow up after he was released 24 hours ago). We were worried we hadn’t fed him enough. Good news to hear he gained weight! He is now 5lbs 1oz!! Doctor says he should eat 45-50ml.

People say it’ll get easier but I’m lost for words. I just want baby boy to continue gaining, be happy. I’m worried I’m not good enough but I’m trying especially when it comes to pumping. I hate it but I do it for him.

For my previous post, thank you ladies for the kind words! Reading your stories give me peace that I’m not alone & everything will be alright!