Tackling Misconceptions: Menstruation

Emma (Saima) • Muslim convert, happily married wife, mama of two, environmental scientist and bookworm.

Okay, I’m going to have a go at starting one of these discussions Xig!

This is one I am asked about so often. Literally, every time a non-Muslim woman learns that we can’t pray on our period, they want to know why. Also, there are other issues which go beyond not praying. So I would love to hear your thoughts.

There are three areas I propose we discuss in relation to this topic:

1. Prayer and fasting

2. Touching, reading and/or reciting the Qur’an

3. Entering the mosque - not necessarily at a prayer time, but for classes, educational talks or social activities

Among non-Muslims, the sorts of misconceptions I’ve heard in regard to this suggest we are disadvantaged by our periods; that we are not allowed to earn the same rewards as men. Some even feel it’s almost like a punishment that we can’t pray, during what is a completely natural and necessary biological cycle.

But equally, within the Muslim community itself, there are many different views about reciting the Qur’an without touching it, and whether or not we can enter the mosque.

The BBC just did a feature on this for Ramadan. As I usually am by the BBC, I was disappointed with their approach.

Looking forward to reading your comments on this topic!