False Alarm


I will be 36 weeks tomorrow, which my provider does consider term. My BH contractions have been getting more frequent and yesterday they started to include pain in my back/lower abdomen. I called the midwife and she had me try somethings but said to come in if I had 5 in an hour. They subsided until 2:30am. I waited an hour and they wouldn’t stop, but they were 10ish minutes apart.

At 3:30a we went to the hospital just to make sure everything was okay. My cervix isn’t really notably dilated yet, so they are not worried and sent me home. Had I been dilated then they would have tried to stop labor and/or given a steroid shot for lung development.

At home resting today. They told me that since tomorrow I will be pretty much term to not come in again until contractions are really painful and 3-5 minutes apart. But they said they were glad I came in today because I am still borderline preterm.

So, I am sore from my mid back to about my knees. Baby kicks when the contractions bug him. Plus I still get some painful back contractions. Not sure why my legs hurt, except for maybe when I was cleaning my shower yesterday. Off today from work to rest but going back tomorrow.