Struggling today ...


Hi All,

This is the first time I’ve ever posted, I’ve been lurking in the shadows but always scared to post.

My OH and I have been trying since August 2017. I’m 35 & he’s 34

I have an 11 year old so have been pregnant before (different partner)

My two best friends have both just had babies which is amazing, the latest one was yesterday and the baby is beautiful and I’m so happy for them.

Today I am feeling really tired and flat. I really want it to be us now, hope it’s our turn soon. I’ve seen the gyne and my OH is going for a semen analysis tomorrow morning. I took a pregnancy test today as haven’t had a period since April! (I have PCOS) but it was negative. I’m awaiting my period as have to have bloods on day 2 and day 21.. I’m guessing this is for hormone levels??

Anyhoo I’m just reaching out to anyone in the same boat as us and feeling low. I know I’ll feel ok tomorrow and it’s just one of those days. Just watched the bachelor and cried my eyes out lol! 😭 no idea why.

Much love x