Pregnant after two MCs. So scared !

I’m pregnant after two miscarriages and I am so scared this might not stick. How do you stay positive and not in a constant mode of fear? I seriously want to quit my job and hide in the house until I’m three months pregnant. I haven’t told my parents or sisters either because I fear I might have another miscarriage. Sucks because I really want to relish in this happy moment !  omething that I did differently recently which I think is responsible for the BFP are 1) 600 mg CoQ10 (Vitacost brand) 2) Omega 3 1,400 mg plus Vitamin D3 1,000 IU (Nordic Naturals). Three tablets a day 3) Prenatals. I have been taking prenatals for over a year already but the fertility clinic advised that I take 3 tablets instead of 2 per day. My husband also takes a multi vitamin. I have cut out caffeine and refined carbs as much as possible and I try to eat at least three different types of vegetables for lunch and dinner with a protein and sweet potatoes. Thank you for your support !