Rant on friendship

Autumn • 26 👑 Momma to a beautiful price 💙

Want to know what annoys me most. I am always there for my friends. My closest friend during her entire pregnancy (she was 3ish month ahead of me) I was there for her. Always making sure she was okay, always talking to her about what was going on. Even now her baby is 3 weeks old and I ask how her daughter is, how she’s doing still etc.

Does she bother to ask how I am? Nope. Check in on me? Nope. Ask how my pregnancy is going. Nope. Nothing. Unless I bother to text her I don’t hear from her... so tired of these one sided friendships.

Just bums me out on how none of my friends bother to be there for me but I’m always there for them 😒 oh well i guess. Just ranting.