Pardon me while i get my rant on...

Ashley • 27.virgo; introvert 😶 married since 7.15.17 ___together since 7.15.11 --ftm;it's a girl!🤰🤗😍**09/28/18! ••••Gracelynn Eloise;my heart baby. ❤️ animal_lover ⛱️🌊☀️

I currently work with a business that provides free daycare while our members work out for X amount of time. I don't mind playing with the kids. I actually really enjoy my job there. however we do have times where there are no kids or they want you to do something with them at the table which is totally fine. However, I have a fellow employee who doesn't seem to have a problem making a pregnant lady sit in a chair made for toddlers and smaller children. I have just recently started working with her more often these past three weeks or so and she never offers me to sit in the only adult size chair we have. I know I could easily say something but I feel rude. Tonight I thought since I was first shift and had been in the chair for a hour and half already she wouldn't take it while I went to the bathroom. Well, sure enough when I got back she's in the chair. 😑😤🤪 So our boss, whom I have good standing with, was downstairs and so kindly brought me my own chair and also said something to my fellow employee about how it's more important that I have a comfortable place to sit being pregnant.

I just feel it's common courtesy to allow a pregnant lady the better seating. Am I wrong? I hope not. And sorry if me feeling this way offends anyone. I mean no harm. Mind you I am 22w pregnant so there's no hiding it for me anymore. And I know she is well aware of my pregnancy and has been for months now.

Oh, and when we were both leaving she held the door open for me and made the comment about how every person should know to hold the door open for pregnant lady.....